Our products

Developed in 2017, the maximum diving is up to 50 meters depth via two core umbilical cable for supplying the power to ROV system. The powerline communication (PLC) used to supply the power at once it can transmit and receive the data of the ROV. ROV needed in various field such as; dam maintenance, water tank maintenance, hull maintenance, science and research, piping and water treatment, and etc

The ROV is designed in laboratory size considering to the vehicle weight for easy launch and recovery process, which can be operated by two persons. It is controllable in three degrees of freedom i.e., surge, heave and yaw

Remotely Operated Vehicle
ROV Specification
  • Dimension : Length 63cm
  • Width 36.5cm
  • Height 24cm
  • Weight in Air : 14.6 kg
  • Operating Depth : 50 meters
  • Speed : 2 - 3knots
  • Power: 230/240 VAC
  • Movement: Surge, heave, yaw
  • Thruster: 3 unit brush DC motor
  • Navigation: Compass module, depth, gyro
  • Luminaries: 2 unit led
  • 1. ICIS – Tunnel Inspection / Sewage Inspection
  • 2. UBIS – Under Bridge Inspection System
  • 3. ASV – Lake/River/Port Mapping System
  • 4. Skyview Mapping System (Quadrotor & Fixed Wing)
  • 5. Lake Water Quality Measurement System (YSI Module)
  • 6. Intelligent Underwater Inspection System (IUIS) - ROV
  • 7. Underwater Imaging from ASV (Downward looking camera + extended poles)
  • 8. PAM System for Biological Sources (Hydrophones)
  • 9. Side Scan Sonar – River Mapping + Drosobot @ Fibre Boat
  • 10. River flow measurement system (Doppler Effect)
  • 11. Video/Data transfer module via Cellular Platform – Wave glider
  • 12. ROV/AUV Toys for hobbyists
  • 13. Helium-filled Aerial System (Indoor environment) & GoPRO cameras
  • 14. Boat for general river surveillance – Jian Hong (Electric & Motorised Engine)
  • 15. Robotic Manipulator Tool-kit (Anthromorphic Teleoperation System)